Frequently Asked Questions
I'm over 65 but I'm not a professional writer. Is Silver Stories for me? Absolutely. Our virtual program was designed for beginning and experienced writers.
What makes Silver Stories different from other memoir writing programs? Silver Stories offers a bonus spa feature as a gift to seniors wanting to reduce stress and practice self care. This is easily created in the comfort of your own home.
Tell me more about the spa component. Since writing a memoir can be stressful at times, it is important to reward yourself by taking breaks. The vision of Silver Stories is to offer you writing wellness in the form of aromatherapy, meditation, journaling, and spa recipes. Along with your Memoir Writing Workbook, a Spa Manual (with sample daily routine) is included in your kit.
What is the significance of Silver Stories' water/seaglass theme? We use the element of water as both inspiration and metaphor to help you remember who you are and how you got here.
How do I access my Silver Stories materials? Currently, all memoir writing audio lessons, the Memoir Writing Workbook, and the Spa Manual are available through our Silver Stories website and special online access links.
Who created Silver Stories? This course was lovingly created by veteran writer Eleyne-Mari Sharp. A "Silver" herself, she has written fiction and nonfiction books, as well as Mad About Hue: A Memoir in Living Color. (Click here to visit her conscious writing website.)
I organize activities for seniors. What do you offer for groups? Do I need a license? How do I bring Silver Stories to my facility? Silver Stories provides a digital kit that includes the Group Manual, audio lectures, and sample 7-day and 4-week program schedules. Group Facilitators also have the option to receive transcripts for each audio lecture. For more information (including licensing fees and how to set up the spa feature), please complete the form on the "for Program Facilitators' page.
I'm doing this alone. How do I sign up? Go to the "for Individuals" page and register from there.
I have more questions. How do I contact someone? Send your questions to writingsilverstories@gmail.com.